

Wolverine Die's ( I'll break the writer's hand's!!!!) |
THE STORY: Marc Guggenheim returns to the title that launched his Marvel Comics career with an arc whose title says it
all: "The Death of Logan." Following up on plot threads left over from Marc's blockbuster "Vendetta" arc,
this new story promises to take Marvel's feral mutant to the limit -- and beyond! He's aided and abetted by none other than
Scott Kolins, using the groundbreaking new style he's employed in the sold-out OMEGA FLIGHT series! 'Nuff said!
32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$2.99
In Stores: 2007-09-05

Wolverine ( Fighting in the fire's of Hell?!?) |
THE STORY: Last issue ended with Wolverine reduced to a brain dead vegetable. You'd think that was the end of Wolverine's
adventures, but it's actually just the beginning of Wolverine's greatest challenge yet. Guest-starring Iron Man and Dr. Strange!
Marc (Blade, Flash) Guggenheim and Howard Chaykin bring you the second chapter in the story we had to call "Logan Dies."
32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$2.99
In Stores: 2007-10-10

Wolverine #59 ( Wolverine fights...Himself !?! ) |
Written by MARC GUGGENHEIM Art by HOWARD CHAYKIN Cover by ARTHUR SUYDAM 'LOGAN DIES,' Part 3 Wolverine's dead! And if he's
going to have any chance at life, he's going to have to kill... Wolverine?! ( Himself !!! ) ....The battle of Logan's life
-- LITERALLY -- is brought to you by the critically-acclaimed team of Marc Guggenheim and Howard Chaykin."
Origins Of Wolverine Real Name: James Howlett, now goes by Logan Identity: Secret Occupation:
(current) Adventurer, member of the X-Men, (possible former) Samurai, (former) CIA operative, member of Canada's Weapon X
program, leader of Alpha Flight, bartender on Madripoor Other Aliases: Weapon X, Patch Place of Birth: Unknown, presumably
in Canada. Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: John Howlett (father, deceased), Elizabeth Howlett (mother, presumed
deceased) "The Old Man" (unnamed grandfather, presumed deceased) Windsong (wife, deceased) Base of Operations: (current)
Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, (former) the Clan Yashida compound in Japan, Department H in Canada. Group Affiliation:
(current) X-Men, (former) Clan Yashida, the Weapon X Program, Alpha Flight First Appearance: THE INCREDIBLE HULK #181
History: In the late 1880's a child by the name of James Howlett was born. As a child James was a frail and sick boy.
His allergies didn't allow him to go out and play much. His father had requested that a twelve year old girl be brought to
their estate. That girl was named Rose and she was to be a friend and play mate to James. She read to him and looked after
him. Along with the grounds keeper's son, Dog, James and Rose were the only children on the hill where the estate was. They
had become close friends and played together as much as possible but Dog slowly grew away from them. Dog's father, the grounds
keeper was named Thomas Logan, he was an alcoholic and abuse his son.
Over the next few years Dog started to follow in his father footsteps, becoming cruel and heartless. James was given
more responsibilities by his father and grandfather. After a big fight, Dog killed James's K-9 companion which resulted in
the Logans getting kicked off the Howlett estate.
In a fit of rage and anger Thomas Logan and his son entered the estate armed. They then took Rose hostage and demanded
that she take them to the masters' bedroom. There the elder Logan tried to persuade James's mother, Elizabeth, to leave with
them. Before they could leave John entered the room and discovered them together. In a rage of hate and dislike Thomas shot
John as James walked into the room. Seeing his father shot and killed shocked him so much that it triggered his latent mutant
abilities. His claws extended and continued through Thomas.
After his mother shunned him for his unusual abilities he fled the house. Rose followed to see what she could do. She
found James outside the house on the ground and cold. She brought him to the barn in order to try and warm him up. Not knowing
what to do Rose brought James to his grandfather house. He ended up giving them cash and told them never to come back again.
Rose took James and went to British Columbia looking for a place that they could live in peace. Rose remembered her father
talking of quarries in the Northern frontiers and she figured that would be a good place for them to start looking. Making
it to a quarry, they met a man named Smitty who was the foreman. That is when Rose gave James the name Logan to hide his true
By the second summer there Logan was providing for both Rose and himself. He had trained himself to be a fine hunter
and he also worked hard at the quarry. Smitty even gave him a new job in demolitions. Shortly after that Smitty asked Rose
to marry him. The proposal upset Logan but he finally realized that Smitty did indeed love Rose. Logan then helped Smitty
get money for tickets away from the quarry.
Before Smitty and Rose could leave Dog showed up. At the request of Logans grandfather he was to kill Logan and Rose
for what he believed they did. In the fight that followed Rose tried to break it up but was struck by Logans claws and died.
After that, not being able to live among people for what he did he left the camp and went off into the wilderness to live
" Wolverine's 1st son "
Itsu, while in the last stages of her pregnancy, is murdered by Winter Soldier in an attempt to draw Wolverine out and return him to custody in Madripoor. Emma Frost would eventually, many years later, encounter his shadowed visage in a precognative dream. She
promptly informs Logan that his son, whom he believed died along with his expecting mother, lives.
After Itsu's death, a mysterious man wearing a trenchcoat that conceals his identity, cuts the baby (Daken) from
his mother's womb and leaves her body lying on the floor. Daken is, many years later, revealed to have survived the horrible
incident due to inheriting his father's healing factor.
Daken's personal motives are unclear at this time. Disguised as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, he brutally stabs Dum Dum Dugan and confronts his incarcerated father for the first time, before slashing him across the stomach and leaving him to bleed
on the floor, as his mother was left, many years before. Daken is revealed to have "aided"
his father's escape, though not for benevolent reasons.
Daken & Wolverine |

Daken & Wolverine |
" Wolverine's 2nd son "
History: (Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure) - Wolverine arrived in the Savage Land, on the trail of
whoever was behind an assassination attempt on him. While flying over the area, he lost his lighter, and the Tribe of Fire
claimed it as a gift from the gods. Later, Wolverine arrived in their home area and reclaimed his lighter. Startled by this
being, the Tribe sought to see if he was a god or demon, and their leader, Gahck, challenged him in combat. Originally clad
in an outfit that hid her female form, Gahck gave Logan a tough fight, but he managed to defeat her.
Gahck was removed as leader of the tribe, and as such, offered herself to Logan (the new
leader) and revealed herself to be female. Though she didn't understand his tales of why he was there, she bedded with him.
Over the next few weeks, Logan continued to live with the Tribe of Fire, and proved himself by killing a dinosaur bare-handed.
The Tribe then fulfilled his rituals, with Gahck applying warpaint to his body.
When Falke's son Chakel was feared dead after an attack by the Honker of Doom (a giant
creature that had long terrorized the clan), Logan tracked and destroyed the monster, learning it was a cyborg. Gahck followed
him to a lair that turned out to be one of Apocalypse's. There, a rogue robot of Apocalypse's captured the two of them.
However, Wolverine broke free and ordered Gahck to take a rescued Chakel with her, after which Wolverine destroyed the robot.
After that, Wolverine used the lighter (which, as it was a gift from Nick Fury, doubled as a bomb) to blow up the secret compound
and flew out of the Savage Land. Unbeknownst to him, sometime after he left, ( GAHCK GAVE
BIRTH TO THEIR CHILD !!! )Gahck gave birth to their child.

Gahck and her tribe |

Erista ( Gahck & Wolverines infant son !!! ) |
Did the idea of Professor Charles Xavier
come from the Star Trek T.V. Series ???
In the second episode of the original Star Trek, " Charlie X", the Enterprise takes aboard the title character, a 17-year-old boy named Charlie, the sole survivor of a crash on a remote planet which
occurred in his infancy. He claims to have survived and learned language via the ship's computer records, but in actuality
was taken in by an advanced alien race, the Thasians. They taught Charlie to develop powerful psychic abilities to survive their hostile planet, and eventually take him back despite his and Kirk's pleas when the consequences of his powers
and his emotional difficulties dealing with other human beings proves tragic.
Please Note :
The actor who portrayed Charles Xavier in the Xmen movies , is the same
actor who portrayed The bald guy from the Star Trek T.V. series !!!

